Thursday, March 24, 2016

iOS Tip 127 - Health App Details

There’s a super easy way to get specific details about any of the tracked items in Health app, on a per hour or per day basis! It’s just not well known, as it’s basically hidden without an obvious cue to do so; all you have to do is rotate your iPhone. Here’s how this works:

1 Open the Health app on iPhone as usual and go to the Dashboard tab
2 Tap on a specific Health tracking stat, say Distance, Steps, or Flights Climbed
3 On the individual dashboard for the specific data type, rotate the iPhone into the horizontal position
4 Now you can scroll around left or right to see additional data in an improved view mode for the health stats, or tap and hold on the scaled graph to see specifics about a date or time.
(Optionally, toggle the Auto Scale button off or on to adjust how the graph is drawn for the actively shown data)

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