Tuesday, April 7, 2015

iOS Tip 66 - Share Where You Are

Sometimes it’s important for loved ones and friends to know where you are. Whether it’s for safety reasons or maybe you’re lost in a crowd - iOS 8 and your iPhone make it super simple.

Simply launch the Messages app on your iDevice and tap into a conversation or create a new one. Once there, tap on the Details button in the upper right.

• Send my Current Location:
Tapping “send my current location” will immediately send a map image with your location pinpointed by a red pin. The location will show up on your friend’s iPhone right away, just like any other photo message.

• Share My Location:

You’ll be prompted to select from the following options: Share…
1.) for One Hour
2.) Until End of Day
3.) Indefinitely
Once chosen, your friend will have permission to see where you are for that period of time. Now you’ll be able to “bump” into your best friend while out and about. I use this feature when traveling long distances so my hosts know when to expect me without having to send a text saying “be there in 5 min”. Super-easy and no more effort than using your Messages app.

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