Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reality and Digital Pictures

This article may be more advanced than most of us using our digital cameras will ever need. However, I found it very interesting; especially how painters utilize brightness, saturation and hue to create a 3-D image. It's rather lengthy but I think even the more advanced photographer will find some very useful information.

Reality and Digital Pictures

by Charles Maurer

People often ask me if I think digital photography is as good as film or will ever become as good as film. I reply that for all but a few special purposes, digital is better already. Technically, my digital photographs are at least as good as the best conventional photographs I ever took with 2-1/4" x 3-1/4" (6 cm x 9 cm) film, and pictorially they are better. With my digital camera I can take pictures in the street that used to require a studio.

Read the article

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