Tuesday, October 27, 2015

iOS Tip 107 - Enable 4K Video

The iPhone 4K video recording feature is turned off by default because of the significant storage requirements that are necessary to capture and record 4K video. To turn it on:

You’ll need a new iPhone with 4K video support to have this feature available, which is the 6S or better:
1 Open the Settings app and go to “Photos & Camera”
2 Scroll down to “Camera” and tap on “Record Video”
3 Select “4K at 30 fps” to enable 4K video recording with the iPhone camera
4 Exit out of Settings

Thursday, October 22, 2015

iOS Tip 106 - Get Your Device up to Speed

Sometimes we can be a bit too ‘app happy’ and download every application that takes our interest. This can slow the device down so do take the time to review the apps and delete those ones you don’t use anymore. Copy any pictures or videos onto your computer and back it up!. A periodic review can improve the overall performance of your iPad or iPhone. Also, occasionally shut your device down - not sleep: off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

iOS Tip 105 - Prevent Apps from Uploading your Data

Your contacts, email, calendar, and your photos are some of your most personal data. When an app wants your data, either for processing or uploading, it will tell you the first time.
You can change each app's access by going to Settings > Privacy and select each app, like Contacts, and swipe on or off which third-party apps you want to grant access to.
If you have already granted an app access to your data, switching off the service on your device does not mean that service will delete your data. You will have to contact that company or app maker for this.

Friday, October 9, 2015

iOS Tip 104 - Harness the power of Notes

How to Use the Drawing Tools in Notes for iOS 9

The Notes app in iOS 9 now allows you to draw, sketch, and color, using your finger or a stylus on the touchscreen. This is a really fun feature that is quite well done, and you’ll find the Notes drawing ability is particularly great on the larger screened iPhone and iPad models, but it works well on the smaller screen iPod touch and iPhones as well.

To have access to the Notes drawing tools, you’ll need iOS 9 or later installed on the device, and beyond that it’s just a matter of knowing where to look and how to use the feature.

You can either start drawing immediately, or add a sketch after you’ve already entered text, and it doesn’t matter if there are images or styling inserted into the notes either, the drawing feature will always be available in Notes.

How to Draw & Sketch in Notes App for iOS
You can draw on new or existing notes, and insert drawings just about anywhere. For creating a new drawing, here’s what to do:
1 Open the Notes app and create a new note
2 Tap on the (+) plus button in the corner of the active note
3 Tap on the little squiggly line icon to access the drawing tools
4 Select your pen, pencil, or highlighter, change the color if you’d like, and start sketching

If you don’t see the drawing tools available, it’s possible that you’re using iCloud Notes rather than on-device Notes. You can quickly switch from the primary Notes app screen by tapping on the < Back button in the upper left corner, and choose 'On my iPhone' or 'On my iPad', then create a new note from there. I'm able to create drawings and sketches on both iCloud and on-device notes, but some users appear to have a limitation to on-device notes only for an uncertain reason.

You can also save a sketch or drawing you created in Notes app if you want to by tapping the little sharing arrow icon and choose “Saving Image” – and no, even though Notes app has a skeumorphic textured background, that texture is not saved with the drawing, the sketch will save against a white background into your camera roll.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

iOS Tip 104 - Watch Out for WiFi Assist

Way, way at the bottom of the Cellular Data settings on your iPhone or cellular iPad is a check box for wifi-assist. If this box is active, your iPhone will use cellular data whenever you have a spotty wifi signal. While this could be handy and not cost you much if you have an unlimited data plan with your cell carrier, if you do not have unlimited data you could suddenly find yourself eating through your data plan.

If you are not on an unlimited data plan consider de-activate wifi-assist unless you really need it and then only turn it on temporarily. Go to Settings > Cellular and scroll to the very bottom of the screen to toggle On or Off.